With so many of our mountains in the Appalachians logged in earlier
centuries, we seldom get a chance to view trees of this size.
Next morning, it was a bit cool as Trish led us to Maple
Springs Observation Point where we stopped to gaze at the mountain ranges
folded into one another in the distance. 
Bill pointed out the spine of
Shuckstack where most of us had hiked before.
Backtracking, we took off on a side trail directly across from the Point before Trish realized we needed to head back down the road to the actual trailhead of Haoe Lead Trail. Our goal was the Hangover Overlook, a little over 4 miles ahead. The trail led up a fairly easy grade where we found ourselves on a ridge, but as we climbed, the trail became more difficult with overgrown weeds, briars, and big blow downs to maneuver around.
The air became heavy with the promise of rain. We pushed on encountering a sloping narrow trail that made it even more challenging. Emerging from this section, we could spy Lake Santeelah far below and for quite a distance it stayed within sight. It was only 3.6 miles to the junction of Jenkins Meadow where we had the option to head down to our shuttle cars or go on ahead to the Hangover. After more and more blow downs, more and more briars, treacherous boulder fields, we were all anxious to get to the junction, but we realized we were only going approximately 1 mile an hour! By now, we had renamed the trail – Haoe Lead Trail aka Hell Trail. We made it to a clearing and wanted to stop for lunch but rain was imminent so we pushed ahead and then it hit. Rain. Hard, driving, rain with rumbles of thunder bouncing through the mountains; the air was so thick and hot it promised lightening. Every one took off, each going as fast as manageable with the elements and the hindrances of the trail. We wanted off the ridge, but the only place to go was down off the side into brambles. With rain biting into us like pellets of sand, we kept going, pushing against the force of the winds and encountering more blow downs now made worse with slick rocks and mud. It seemed to take forever before we got to the Junction where the rain slacked off long enough for us to grab a bite to eat. It had taken us 4 hours to get here!Trish checked her iPhone for the weather and saw another front heading our way. We all agreed the Hangover Overlook was going to have to wait for another day when access was better maintained! She gave those ready the go ahead to get off the mountain. I took off like a shot with several ladies behind me. Again, the trail was a beast with numerous blockages. Rain began again as we descended. I could feel heat settling like a cloak over the forest and still fearing possible lightening, I kept on with my fast descent. I had to stop in two places to gauge the right direction. When it was discerned, we left a big arrow with sticks to let those behind know which direction we went – not that we were sure it was right! Finally, I emerged at the bottom with Wanda right behind me. We sat on a wooden fence and watched the ridge in front of us as others descended. However, as everyone came off the trail in the next hour, each one emerged with a spring in their step having met and conquered this horribly maintained trail. We have a special group of folks! (Trish had asked a ranger beforehand about these trails and he had stated they were good for our group. Obviously, he hadn’t been on it in quite a while!)
Backtracking, we took off on a side trail directly across from the Point before Trish realized we needed to head back down the road to the actual trailhead of Haoe Lead Trail. Our goal was the Hangover Overlook, a little over 4 miles ahead. The trail led up a fairly easy grade where we found ourselves on a ridge, but as we climbed, the trail became more difficult with overgrown weeds, briars, and big blow downs to maneuver around.
The air became heavy with the promise of rain. We pushed on encountering a sloping narrow trail that made it even more challenging. Emerging from this section, we could spy Lake Santeelah far below and for quite a distance it stayed within sight. It was only 3.6 miles to the junction of Jenkins Meadow where we had the option to head down to our shuttle cars or go on ahead to the Hangover. After more and more blow downs, more and more briars, treacherous boulder fields, we were all anxious to get to the junction, but we realized we were only going approximately 1 mile an hour! By now, we had renamed the trail – Haoe Lead Trail aka Hell Trail. We made it to a clearing and wanted to stop for lunch but rain was imminent so we pushed ahead and then it hit. Rain. Hard, driving, rain with rumbles of thunder bouncing through the mountains; the air was so thick and hot it promised lightening. Every one took off, each going as fast as manageable with the elements and the hindrances of the trail. We wanted off the ridge, but the only place to go was down off the side into brambles. With rain biting into us like pellets of sand, we kept going, pushing against the force of the winds and encountering more blow downs now made worse with slick rocks and mud. It seemed to take forever before we got to the Junction where the rain slacked off long enough for us to grab a bite to eat. It had taken us 4 hours to get here!Trish checked her iPhone for the weather and saw another front heading our way. We all agreed the Hangover Overlook was going to have to wait for another day when access was better maintained! She gave those ready the go ahead to get off the mountain. I took off like a shot with several ladies behind me. Again, the trail was a beast with numerous blockages. Rain began again as we descended. I could feel heat settling like a cloak over the forest and still fearing possible lightening, I kept on with my fast descent. I had to stop in two places to gauge the right direction. When it was discerned, we left a big arrow with sticks to let those behind know which direction we went – not that we were sure it was right! Finally, I emerged at the bottom with Wanda right behind me. We sat on a wooden fence and watched the ridge in front of us as others descended. However, as everyone came off the trail in the next hour, each one emerged with a spring in their step having met and conquered this horribly maintained trail. We have a special group of folks! (Trish had asked a ranger beforehand about these trails and he had stated they were good for our group. Obviously, he hadn’t been on it in quite a while!)
We all looked like drowned rats, most had scratches and some
had wounds to display like badges of honor for completing this hellacious

But again, we had high spirits as we got home, showered and enjoyed a nice cocktail hour in the covered deck area. Karen once again spoiled us with a great dinner and nicely decorated tables.
But again, we had high spirits as we got home, showered and enjoyed a nice cocktail hour in the covered deck area. Karen once again spoiled us with a great dinner and nicely decorated tables.